Here’s to Momma

Here’s to Momma,

Who said no,

To letting a man who didn’t love,

her anymore stay in her bed.

Here’s to the Momma,

Who said no to moving,

going back home,

And kept her kids in their house,

worked two jobs to do it.

Here’s to the Momma,

Who came home when her daughter,

scared herself silly.

Here’s to the Momma,

Who gave up the house,

When to the streets to give her son,

a chance to play some ball,

He went college and forged a life for himself.

Here’s to Momma,

Who flew a thousand miles

When her little girl’s heart and mind


A mother’s love picked up the pieces

But, couldn’t put her back together,


She knew her child would have to do that

and she did.

Here’s to Momma,

Who keeps on going,

Through heartbreak and cancer,

beating both down more than once.

Here’s to Momma,

Who keeps on loving,

and being herself.

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